Dr. Sybil Ihrig, DACM, L.Ac., CCH is licensed as a practitioner of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in both California and Arizona. In practice since 2002, she is nationally certified in both Acupuncture and Chinese Herbology and since 2011 has been Professor at Phoenix Institute of Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture (PIHMA).
Sybil is also nationally certified in Classical Homeopathy. In addition to conducting a private homeopathic practice, she has served on the faculty of American Medical College of Homeopathy (AMCH), both as a clinic supervisor and as an instructor of Plant Materia Medica.
Sybil first became inspired to seek a career in an integrative medicine field in the early 1990s, initially following a curriculum of Ayurveda with Drs. Vasant Lad and Sunil Joshi in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Thereafter, she pursued a degree in Traditional Oriental Medicine in San Diego, California, graduating from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine (PCOM) with a Master of Science in Traditional Oriental Medicine (M.S.T.O.M.). Sybil obtained a Doctorate in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine from PCOM in 2017.
While still in Oriental Medical school, Sybil also embarked on intensive studies in Classical Homeopathy with leading international practitioners. A graduate of the certificate program at American Medical College of Homeopathy in Phoenix, Arizona, she wishes to express deep gratitude to all her teachers over the years, particularly Dr. Massimo Mangialavori, Dr. A.U. Ramakrishnan (author of A Homeopathic Approach to Cancer), and Dr. Todd Rowe, MD(H). She has served as supervisor in the proving of new homeopathic remedies under the direction of Dr. Rowe.
Neuroacupuncture: New Hope for Stroke Recovery, Neuropathy, Parkinson’s, and More
Most Acupuncture practitioners rely on body acupuncture points to produce health benefits. Chronic neurological conditions, however, require a different approach to achieve profound results. Enter Neuroacupuncture—a unique, contemporary discipline that melds traditional Chinese acupuncture with modern brain mapping to the human scalp. If you’ve struggled with stroke recovery, peripheral or diabetic neuropathy, phantom limb pain, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, or other chronic neurological conditions, look no further! Dr. Ihrig is the only practitioner in the greater Palm Springs area certified by the Neuroacupuncture Institute (NAI).
Japanese-Style Acupuncture and Kampo
In her Oriental Medicine clinic, Sybil focuses on gentle, intuitive Japanese styles of practice. The Japanese tradition emphasizes hair-thin needles, shallow insertions, moxibustion (a warming treatment involving artemesia herb), and extensive palpation techniques. This type of acupuncture benefits all but is especially welcome to those who fear needling or who are extremely sensitive.
Japanese acupuncture also features an herbal medicine tradition, called Kampo, based on the classics. Sophisticated palpation of the abdomen is key to determining a patient’s precise pattern of disharmony and to prescribing the most appropriate herbal formula for each individual. Sybil has undertaken extensive postgraduate studies in Kampo medicine under the tutelage of Nigel Dawes, L.Ac.
AcuGraph: Seeing Is Believing
The AcuGraph system is an invaluable aid in your treatment at Lotus Wellspring Healthcare. A simple test that involves touching a probe to specific points on your wrists, ankles, fingers, or toes shows you—in vivid color and real time—which energy pathways and organs are out of balance and how best to bring everything back into balance. You will be re-tested periodically so that you can see proof of exactly how your health is improving.
Women’s Health
Sybil has done considerable postgraduate training in Traditional Chinese Medical Gynecology and provides assistance to women undergoing health challenges such as:
- Menopause
- Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in its many “flavors”
- Menorrhagia (heavy menstrual flow)
- Fibroids and endometriosis
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
- Nausea of pregnancy
- Other disorders of pregnancy and labor
- Postpartum difficulties
- Fertility enhancement
- Irregular menses and amenorrhea (absence of flow)
- Cervical dysplasia and HPV
Healthy Aging with Integrative Medicine
Sybil also cherishes working with mature adults, both male and female. It is typically during the second half of life that our genetic or lifestyle-associated weaknesses come to the fore and demand our attention. If we do not listen to this internal cry for help, health problems become chronic and worsen. Many serious disorders associated with aging respond well to natural approaches.
Persons with various types of cancer can also benefit from natural therapies. Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, for example, are known to be effective in minimizing adverse effects of concurrent conventional treatments (chemotherapy, radiation, surgery). Those in recovery/remission from cancer and wishing to boost their immune systems can enhance prospects for future wellness with the help of Oriental Medicine and/or Homeopathy.
Use the Contact Me page to ask what Acupuncture, Homeopathy, or Herbal medicine can do to bring you closer to optimum health. Or, conveniently schedule an appointment online using the button below.
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