Cervical cancer
I had abnormal PAP smears for 10 years. After the deaths of some close family members, I was diagnosed with early-stage cervical cancer. I came to Sybil for a homeopathic consult because I wanted to explore solutions other than surgery, chemo, and radiation. Sybil provided a homeopathic remedy that relieved my deep grief and gave me my life back. When I returned to my gynecologist 3 months later,
the cervix had completely normalized. The pathologist couldn’t believe it! PAPs have remained completely normal ever since, and it’s been nine years now. Thank you!
—Laura W., Carlsbad, California
Rheumatoid arthritis
Thank you for the care you provide in my life. It has made an impactful difference. You have already provided so much help and wisdom including Acupuncture, Homeopathy, enzymes, and even dietary changes. I am so pleased to have started this journey but more pleased that I found a gem like you to guide my journey. Thank you!
—Jamie T., Peoria, Arizona
A healthy pregnancy at 41
I had two old
er children but wanted to try for a third. Multiple miscarriages had me worrying about my age standing in the way of being able to conceive again and carry a baby to term. Sybil emphasized the importance of optimizing the whole reproductive system rather than just forcing conception biomedically. With acupuncture and herbs specially chosen just for me, I’m happy to say that I got pregnant again and gave birth to a wonderful baby boy with no complications.
—Lisa G., San Marcos, California
Asthma relief, energy surge
I came to you struggling with asthma, exhausted, battling headaches, and dealing with irregular menstruation. I had been taking 2 to 4 nebulizer treatments daily and was starting every day with ibuprofen. After my first treatment and your herbal prescription, I felt an immediate difference with my headaches and asthma. Within a few days, I was off the nebulizer completely, experienced a significantly clearer thought process, and had so much more energy. Your treatments were and have continued to be one of the best experiences of my life.
—Tori W., Buckeye, Arizona
Sinus headache relief
I highly recommend Sybil and Lotus Wellspring Healthcare! I met with Sybil because I have had chronic sinus hea
daches for years, usually on a daily basis. After receiving acupuncture from Sybil–the first time I’ve ever had this kind of treatment!—I’m absolutely amazed at the results! I haven’t had any headaches in over a week now. I feel so confident in what Sybil has done for me that I’ll continue seeing her for all my aches and pains.
—Mike W., Mesa, Arizona